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"Introducing our newest design in personal protection, the Sting Ring 18,000,000* Stun Gun. This revolutionary patented model separates itself from all other stun guns on the market today and has become one of our best sellers and a favorite among women.
comes in Black, Pink, Purple and Teal.
Patented Design: There is no other stun gun like this in the world. The improved design makes it the easiest to carry, conceal, and use.
Designed to Defend: The ease of use, concealability, and strong electric current make this model one of the best new stun gun models on the market today!
Squeeze-N-Stun Technology: When it comes to protecting yourself, saving seconds can save your life! In a panic situation, the stun gun can be activated quickly and easily by simply squeezing it. This new technology saves you valuable time by not having to fumble around for the right button to push and your tight grip around the unit prevents it from being knocked out of your hand.
Concealed by Your Hand: The base of the unit is concealed inside your closed fist, leaving only the “Sting Ring” exposed. Your attacker will never know you are carrying a stun gun giving you the element of surprise.
Small & Lightweight: Eliminates the need to carry a heavy, bulky self-defense product. Ideal for those exercising outdoors or just walking to and from your car.
Safety Feature: To prevent accidental discharge, the Sting Ring features a safety switch.
Rechargeable: The USB charging cord (included) plugs into your personal block charger or USB car charger.
Lifetime Warranty:"